Healthy Snacking

Lets face it snacking these days is something that is extremely difficult to resist. With all the advertisements on billboards, Television, and radio its no wonder we are getting more obese every year according to statistics. I plan on doing my little bit to help change what people view as a healthy snacks for weight loss. If millions of people did there bits too, we would be well on our way to sorting the obesity crisis once and for all.

Below I will give you a few short but useful tips on what you could eat as a healthy snack.

What do I classify as a healthy snack?

There are quite a few things you can eat in between meals. Unfortunately many people are misinformed about calorie intake. You need to realise carbs are the main reason people gain weight, Not saturated fat as it is commonly believed. So naturally, you will want to cut as many carbs as you can to reach your potential weight loss goal.

Here is a list of healthy snacks that I personally use to keep you going until your next meal:

Nuts - Protein keeps you fuller for longer, and nuts are full of protein. They also contain healthy fats and essential oils, all of which make nuts a perfect healthy snack for weight loss.

Fruit - I personally prefer apples due to how delicious they are. However if you are not much of an apple fa, why dont you give oranges or pears a try. They are just as nice and just as healthy.

Hard boiled egg - Once again full of protein which can keep you full. You may be concerned about cholesterol level, if that is bothering you, remove the yolk from the centre as this is the mainsource of cholesterol in a hard boiled egg.

Chicken breast - Protein, protein, protein. Lots of it and extremely healthy. As mentioned above, vital for building a repairing muscle.


It may not be a long list but its a good guide for people just getting started. For more information regarding this topic visit the site listed below:

Healthy Snacks for weight loss


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